With the implementation of
the large-scale sea construction work at Osaka ward in the Osaka Harbor,
it collects necessary information such as the information on ships that
sail in and out, the information on the construction work and so on, to
analyzes and supplies them.
It also gives guidance and an advices to the maritime affair persons concerned
such as the construction guard ships, and secures the sailing safety for
the sailing ships in Osaka harbor, while attempting the safe and smooth
execution of the construction work in the harbor.
It was established in April, 1992 with the purpose of contribution to
the promotion of Osaka harbor and improvement of the port functions.
As for the shipping traffic
in the Osaka harbor, various shipping such as the large-sized container
carriers and the car ferries, the danger loading ships and the pleasure
boats go in and out. At the Daikanmon and the areas nearby in the harbor,
it is extremely overcrowded.
Corresponding to such a situation, the Information Center sends fresh
and correct information securely and speedy, while it makes a close contact
with related organization.

The large-scale constructions
such as Sintou construction and Yumeshima tunnel are now ongoin. We send
the effective and appropriate information quickly so that the construction
and the shipping traffic become the safe and smooth flow.